Newsletter October 2024
I’m showing 2 works of “Knitting horn covers for a muskox” (Alaska, USA & Greenland, 2023) and “The Blind Humans and the Elephant” (India, 2023) in the “Kojima Station festival” as a part of “Sumida Mukojima Expo 2024”, Tokyo. You can see my works and Kojima Station Festival for free.
Newsletter April 2024
Long interview about my entire career from early works up to recent works are published online by American art magazine of "Sculpture Magazine". Please check it out! Thank you so much for your interview Brian McAvera!!
デビューの初期から最近の仕事まで網羅する、これまでのキャリアの中で、一番長いインタビューが米国の、Sculpture Magazineより出ました。是非ご覧ください!
Newsletter March 2024
増山 士郎 京都2会場同時開催個展
Shiro MASUYAMA 2 Solo Exhibitions in Kyoto
(1) ジャコウウシのために、角カバーを編む / Knitting horn covers for a muskox
会期 : 2024年3月8日(金)-24日(日)
Date : Fri 8th - Sun 24th March 2024
会場:ANEWAL Gallery 現代美術製作所
Venue : ANEWAL Gallery Contemporary Art Factory
(2) 群盲象を評す/ The Blind Humans and the Elephant
会期 : 2024年3月9日(土)-24日(日)
Date : Sat 9th - Sun 24th March 2024
会場 : モナド・コンテンポラリー|monade contemporary|単子現代
〒605-0829 京都市東山区月見町10-2 八坂ビル地下1階奥左入ル2号室
Venue : monade contemporary
Newsletter February 2024
「札幌国際芸術祭SIAF2024」の公募プロジェクトとして、2024年1月20日(土)から2月25日(日)まで、札幌のCAI03 にて、自身渾身の個展「世界の果てで、動物と対話する」は、いくつかのメディアからの取材も受けて、好評開催中です。
My solo exhibition "Talking to the Animals in the End of the World" at CAI03, Sapporo, Japan, from Sat. 20th Jan. 2024 to Sun. 25th February as a part of Open Call Projects for "SIAF2024 - Sapporo International Art Festival 2024" has been getting a lot of good feedback accompanied with several interviews from media.
Newsletter January 2024
「札幌国際芸術祭SIAF2024」の公募プロジェクトとして、2024年1月20日(土)から2月25日(日)まで、札幌のCAI03 にて、自身渾身の回顧展「世界の果てで、動物と対話する」を開催します。オープニングの1月20日(土)16時からは、SIAF2020の統括ディレクターの天野太郎さんとの対談も開催します。札幌国際芸術祭SIAF2024で、札幌にお越しの方など、是非お見逃しなく!
I'm excited to have my retrospective solo exhibition at CAI03, Sapporo, Japan, "Talking to the Animals in the End of the World" from Sat. 20th Jan. 2024 to Sun. 25th February as a part of Open Call Projects for "SIAF2024 - Sapporo International Art Festival 2024". If you are coming to Sapporo with the SIAF2024, please don't miss the show!
Newsletter October 2023
I've started 3 month residency in Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Germany from 2nd October. Though I've attended over 30 residency programs worldwide last 21 years, their program is quite interesting for me. They invite all kinds of creative people from visual arts, music and literature to have residency together and to let them inspire each other. I know there are these kinds of residency program in the world. I think this is the best residency of mixed categories in my career.
10月2日よりドイツのStiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingenで3ヶ月間のレジデンスに参加しています。過去21年間で、世界中の30以上のレジデンスに参加してきた自分にとっても、今回のレジデンスはとても興味深いものです。ここのプログラムは、視覚芸術、音楽、文学の様々なジャンルのクリエイティブな人々を招待して、共同生活する中でお互いを触発し合うような環境です。このようなレジデンスが世界には他にもあることは知っていますが、自分のキャリアの中では最も環境の整ったカテゴリを縦断したレジデンスプログラムになります。
Newsletter September 2023
I returned to Greenland for another half month to document hunting life Inuit people have. Looking for wild muskoxen we've been traveling with with a speed boat across numerous islands in the west of Greenland. We have kept camping in no man's lands where have spectacular landscape under terrible wether of rain and storm.
Newsletter July 2023
Since 29th June I've started staying in Arctic Culture Lab, Ilulissat, Greenland, Artist in Residence Programme which is possibly located in the most northern part of the world. Majority of population in Ilulissat are Inuit. I’ll stay here next one month to work with Inuit people for my new project for the muskox.
6月29日より、おそらく世界の最北端に存在するレジデンス・プログラムではないかと思いますが、グリーンランドのイルサットにあるArctic Culture Labで滞在を開始しました。ここに一ヶ月滞在し、ジャコウウシの新作のために、イヌイットの人たちと一緒に作業をする予定です。
Newsletter May 2023
Since 18th May I have finally started staying in Alaska to realize my new project for a muskox, which I was planning since before the pandemic. The project was supposed to represent in the Sapporo International Art Festival 2020 which was canceled due to COVID-19. The project will be realized with supports of the Muskox Farm, Palmer, Alaska, USA ; the Large Animal Research Station, Fairbanks, Alaska USA
Newsletter March 2023
I've started staying in India to realize a new research based project in both Delhi and Kerala with relation to environmental pollutions and the elephant which is regarded as the holy animal in India.
As the outcome of my stay in India I'm planning to create a new video work entitled 'The Blind Human and Elephants' which refers to the Indian parable.
Newsletter January 2023
My current solo exhibition “Brexit Sausages" in Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich , Belfast has been getting really good feedback accompanied with 3 reviews in The Irish News, The Telegraph and Andersontown News.
Newsletter November 2022
My solo exhibition “Brexit Sausages" will be launched at 7pm on Thursday 1st Dec. as a part of Late Night Art Belfast in Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich , Belfast. The exhibition will continue until 26th Jan. 2023.
Newsletter Late September 2022
My video work which I made in Cyprus in this July will be exhibited on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th October at (CCA Derry - Londonderry) Center for Contemporary Art as a part of "Bounce Arts Festival 2022". It's the documentary video of the site specific intervention responding to the political division of the country of Cyprus.
Newsletter September 2022
My brand new project "Brexit Sausages" will be premiered in "Unlimited Festival 2022" in the Southbank Centre, London from Wed. 7th to Sun. 11th September 2022. This is a part of opportunities through Chris Ledger Legacy Award which I won last year.
ロンドンのサウスバンクセンターで、9月7日(水)から9月11日(日)まで「Unlimited Festival 2022」に参加し、新作「ブレグジット・ソーセージ」を初披露します。これは昨年末受賞した、「クリス・レジャー・レガシー・アワード」の一環での展示です。
Newsletter Late Jul. 2022
I’m really happy to announce that I was one of ten artists commissioned by the Artichoke Trust, London for a nation-wide billboard project. The theme was “Straight White Male” and I worked with the biker group “The Lads” in Belfast to deliver my “Identity T-shirts Project”.
英国全土でビルボードを使い展開されるロンドンのアーティチョーク・トラストによるプロジェクトのため、コミッションを受けた10人のアーティストのうちの1人に選ばれたことを光栄に思います。「ヘテロセクシャル 、白人、男性」というテーマのもと、ベルファストのバイク乗りのグループ「The Lads」を巻き込み「Identity T-shirts Project」を実現しました。
Newsletter Early Jul. 2022
I've attended a residency in Urban Gorillas, Nicosia, Cyprus through the exchange of ECRN -Rooftop Artist Residency.
Nicosia is a politically divided city like Belfast. Using my experience I've challenged realizing 2 projects crossing the border of the country.
I worked for donkeys abandoned after political devision of Cyprus and they have become wild in Northern Cyprus.
I also realized "Identity T-shirts Project" involving people from both Southern Greek side and Northern Turkish communities. The both of outcome will be represented in "The Festival PAME KAIMAKLI 2022: Urban Playground", Kaimakli, South Nicosia from Friday 8th to Tuesday 12th July 2022!
ECRN - Rooftop Artist Residencyによるエクスチェンジで、キプロスのニコシアのUrban Gorillasにレジデンス滞在しました。
一つ目は政治的の分断後、放置され野生化し北キプロスに生息するロバのためのプロジェクト、二つ目はニコシア南北両方のコミュニティの人々を巻き込んで「Identity T-shirts Project」を実現しました。
成果は、南側のニコシアのカイマクリで2022年7月8日(金)〜12日(火)まで開催される"The Festival PAME KAIMAKLI 2022: Urban Playground"で展示されます。
Newsletter Dec. 2021
I’m pleased to announce that I was selected for 2 awards of 'Chris Ledger Legacy Awards' from University of Atypical and 'Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring and Residency Programme' from Arts Council of Northern Ireland. University of Atypical just released an interview video which I talked about Chris. Please check it out.
北アイルランドで、昨年亡くなった、University of Atypicalの前CEOクリスレジャーと、北アイルランドのアーツカウンシルによるマイノリティの人種の文化人のため賞の二つの賞を受賞しました。クリスのことを語っている自分の英語の受賞インタビューがUniversity of Atypicalのリンクより公開されています。よかったらご覧ください。
Newsletter Oct. 2021
My work "The Room" is represented in the entrance hall of MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art Rosario, Argentina as a part of "BIENALSUR 2021 - The State of Things". The antisocial bar of my previous series has been recreated responding to the current post pandemic period for the Biennial. It was accompanied with the performance of a bartender only during the opening reception. I modified the design of the bar considering the context of Argentina as a Catholic country.
自分の作品、「The Room」は「BIENALSUR 2021 - The State of Things」の展覧会で、アルゼンチンはロザリオのマクロ現代美術館のエントランスホールで展示されています。オープニングのレセプション時のみバーテンダーによるパフォーマンスを伴った作品になりました。 2002年から続けていた一人でお酒を飲まなければならないバーのシリーズを、パンデミックの現況を踏まえビエンナーレのためにリメイクしました。カトリックの国であるアルゼンチンのコンテクストを考えて、懺悔室のようなデザインにしました。
Newsletter Sep. 2021
I will attend the International Biennial of Contemporary Art of the South "Bienalsur 2021". My work will be represented in the entrance hall of MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art Rosario, Argentina from Tuesday 28th Sep. It will be accompanied with the performance only during the opening day!!
南の国で共同開催される現代美術の国際ビエンナーレ『BIENALSUR 2021』に参加します。自分の作品は9月28日(火)からアルゼンチンのロザリオのマクロ現代美術館のエントランスホールで披露されます。オープニング初日のみパフォーマンスを伴った作品になります。
Newsletter Mar. 2021
My photographic installation is exhibited physically in the shop window of the unit beside the Range in Connswater Shopping Centre, Mon. 22nd - Sun. 28th March as a part of "Imagine! The Belfast Festival of Ideas and Politics", don’t miss it!
Newsletter Dec. 2020
Through the physical festival was canceled due to the COVID-19, last several months we’ve been working for the launch of the plan & Idea of the festival using various methods including online platforms, publication, event and etc. They will release them on Sat. 19th December. Please check it out !