New-style Bar 'All Alone'

Iroha-Yokocho(いろは横丁), Sendai, Japan, August 2004
'Koganecho Bazaar 2021: Making Side by Side / 黄金町バザール2021:サイドバイサイドの作り方', Koganecho, Yokohama, October 2021
Mixed media
All Alone is a traditional Izakaya-style Japanese pub version of Masuyama’s former work, 'Parky Party' and 'Supposed Opening'. Considering that Parky Party took place in the context of an art exhibition, All Alone was conducted as an experiment to see how Masuyama’s installation functioned in a public space - a city. In 2004 this project actually went into business as a bar in Sendai’s Iroha-Yokocho, where small Japanese-style pubs and bars have gathered. There are three booths and the entrance of each has a tapestry with an original Japanese-calligraphy-style logo. As Masuyama adopted a Western-style in his previous work Supposed Opening and Parky Party, here he filled All Alone with the flavor of a traditional Japanese pub.
After the pandemic started, Masuyama thought it apt for the project to be represented again. The new version, which was composed of four booths, was remade in Koganecho, Yokohama as a part of the exhibition 'Koganecho Bazaar 2021: Making Side by Side' under the current post-pandemic period in 2021.
「新スタイル酒処 ひとりぼっち」は、過去作品「Supposed Opening」と「Parky Party」の日本の居酒屋バージョン。「Supposed Opening」や「Parky Party」が展覧会の枠組みで実施されたのに対して、この作品はプロジェクトを都市の中にインストールしたらどう機能するかを探る実験。小ぶりの居酒屋か軒をつらねる居酒屋街、仙台市内のいろは横丁に2004年に実際に設置し営業。個室を3つ設置。個々の入り口は店舗のオリジナルロゴ付き暖簾。「Supposed Opening」や「Parky Party」がウエスタンスタイルのデザインだったのに対して、日本の伝統的なスタイルをデザインに盛り込んだ。
Photo 1 & 2 : Norihiko Oizumi